Saturday, July 26, 2008


Well, here it is... my first waiting mamas entry... welcome to those of you who are along for the ride. My hope is that, in my quest to become a mama, I can have a little fun at the same time as unloading stress and anxiety that inevitably results in this seemingly endless mamas-in-waiting game...

A bit about me: I am 28 years old and am happily married to a super great guy. After a few random bouts of trying to conceive over the past 9 or so years, we have begun to come to terms with my endometriosis and our infertility. This has been hard for both of us, but especially for me. If you are reading this, I am supposing that you have at one time or another sat where I have sat, and you know that it sucks to be faced with the possibility of (eek!) never conceiving. So to help alleviate some of my angst, I've decided to write about a bit of my experiences to help ease some of the heartache, while at the same time keepin' it real and embracing life for what it's handing my way.

Over the next two years, my husband and I will both be working full-time towards professional accounting designations and towards Master's degrees. We're anticipating a lot of work and, in the meantime, are putting our baby plans on hold until we emerge from the rat race with papers in hand. So, despite the fact that my brain knows darn well that it's time to wait, my mama urges are not subsiding...

Hence the blog. Waiting isn't easy. Especially when you suspect that at the end of it all you're going to have a bit of a row to hoe with your baby-making biology. One way or the other though, my husband and I are determined to become parents at the end of this two years, either through adoption or through fertility assistance. It's a great feeling to know that, despite the lack of control I have over my own body's capability to conceive a child, I WILL be a mama.

It's just a matter of waiting. Welcome.

Listening to: Feist - Mushaboom,

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog and welcome to the blogosphere! Good luck starting your two new master's programs!